Day 103 - we need Kate and Leo and we need them now
If I had to take a wild guess at how many celebrations I've had this year I'd say about 360. I've been keeping track but not for the last few days so it's only a estimate. I suppose that a wild guess is when you have nothing to base your answer on whereas mine is more an educated guess as I have a starting point to work from. It's Take A Wild Guess Day if you hadn't worked it out. I offered my services on Twitter to guess for people but nobody took me up on it. That's the difference between having 140 followers rather than 140,000.
The fun celebration for the day was to do with Good Deeds Day. I'm still suffering slightly from vertigo and so I wasn't a great deal of use but I could hold a ladder, so I did. A friend who lives in my street arranged to source some Swift boxes as we have a few birds which turn up every year. We therefore had a bird box putting up party (which was more fun than it sounds). One intrepid neighbour went up the ladder whilst some of us held it for him. About 8 boxes were put up and then we gathered for food. The spread was quite special, mushroom risotto, frittata, pearl barley salad. I live in a street of highly accomplished cooks. I realise that holding a ladder isn't exactly exerting myself but it's good enough for me.
As usual there were other celebrations which got passed over such as Griper's Day and Rubber Eraser Day. I did spend a little time with Titanic Remembrance Day by watching some of the James Cameron movie but as it's more than 3 hours long I didn't get through it all. I worked in Blockbuster Video when the film was released and it was by far the biggest movie rental release which I got to experience. The whole rental shop experience is a thing of the past now, shame. (Spoiler alert) The titanic sank 106 years ago today. It's odder thinking that the film was released 21 years ago. Doesn't time fly.
For tea we celebrated McDonalds Day by eating at the local drive through. The youngest had chips and sauce, ate the sauce with a spoon and some of the chips once cold. Eldest son ate a burger without sauce or gherkins in a matter of seconds. I realise that McDonalds are obviously doing something right or they wouldn't be as popular as they are, but comparing my Big Mac to the delicious spread at lunch time it really provides a contrast between how food can be and what we will accept due to convenience.
That's so for now. Come back tomorrow when I'll be talking about my attempts to explain volunteering to a two year old.
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