Day 110 - jelly beans and showers
Sorry. This won't be as exciting and enthralling as usual. Why not reread one of the earlier posts instead? There weren't many celebrations taking place today so I have little to offer by way of content.
Today was Jelly Bean Day. I'm not a big sweet eater so jelly beans aren't something which excite me. I did buy some Lucozade jelly beans to eat whilst running a few years ago but later found out that they contained less energy than the basic ones you can buy from any corner shop. They tasted good though but rattled whilst running. I was going to celebrate by buying some beans but I was sitting on the sofa thinking this very thought and then decided to clean out the gap between the sofa and the arm rest (does it have it's own name? it should do) and what should I find but three individually wrapped jelly belly sweets. Bonus. It was like it was meant to be. It's pot luck which flavour you get and I haven't found one I like yet but at least it meant I didn't have to buy any.
Earth Day took place today, hopefully you'll have heard of it. It's a day to think about the world, it's problems and how to solve them. It's a bit sad that we need such a thing really, you'd think that not destroying the only planet with chocolate would be a given ( I read that on a fridge magnet). I've written about plastic straws already and I've heard that people are now turning on cotton buds. Starbucks were giving away free reusable coffee cups so I now have a plastic mug to carry around and to help cut down on waste. I never know which bin to put coffee cups in and now I won't need to worry. Hopefully the next movement will be against those plastic sleves which greeting cards come in. If some do and some don't, why are they needed? Save the Earth, don't buy cards covered in plastic. Or even better, don't buy greetings cards, give a hug instead.
And that's it. I said there wasn't much. It was also April Showers Day but I'm not sure what I could do for that. There's a whole load of celebrations going on tomorrow, not just St. George's Day! One which you need to k ow about in advance is Talk Like Shakespeare Day. I assume that means the way he wrote rather than the way he spoke, he could have had a broad Geordie accent for all we know. I plan to say forsooth a lot, I might even try to find out what it means.
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