Day 363 - scales

Do you remember earlier I the year when I had hardly any time but was able to still fit 7 celebrations into one day simply because there were so many to choose from? Those days are well gone. Here I am in that awkward not quite Christmas, but quite new year period with time to spare but no celebrations to work with. This period is crying out for a decent unofficial celebration!

There were potentially 4 today but 2 were basically the same - take time to think about what you can still accomplish this year or get your resolutions ready for next year rather than making them on the spot when somebody asks you what they are (we all do it!). They were both copyrighted though so I stear clear of those.

That left me with two. Pepper Pot Day sounded nice, it a spicy stew/soup meal which uses tripe or other meats and a load of veg. There wouldn't have been a way if making it though without cooking enough for a family and as mine would turn their collective noses up at it it seemed a waste of effort and food. That left me with but one option, Get On The Scales Day. You may remember Weigh-In Day is January 1st which I celebrated this year. If you don't remember it then you can still go back to the start and read from there. If you did read it though you'll remember that I was bang on 12 stone. This year I've eaten more cake,  biscuits and sweets than I can remember so I was interested in seeing how it has effected my weight. I haven't been more than half a stone heavier of lighter than 12 stone since I was in my late teens. The optimum weight for my height according to scientists (who are never wrong about anything!) is 14 stone. So where am I today? 12 stone, 7.5 . It's still a way off that magic 14 and I imagine that having a cake baby doesn't make someone healthy  but it certainly seems to have had a little impact. So now that I know now much no weigh, am I supposed to do something with it? Set a target? Maybe reaching 14 stone can be next year's project? Move less, eat more!


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