Day 106 - fruit, pudding and transport links
I'm sure that you lovely regular readers will be wondering whether I am still being hampered by the nasty debilitating condition that is vertigo. The answer dear friends is yes, but I'm trying to not let it get in the way of some serious celebrating! I never knew just how sucky it was.
I wondered whether today was Clear Up The Debris From The Massive Hole In The Ceiling Day as if it was I'd have plenty to tell you about. As it turns out, there us no such day so I may invent it.
Instead I can tell you about World Heritage Day. This one was actually quite well known. The sunny landlocked county of Shropshire where I reside has two UNESCO recognised sites. Unfortunately they are both too far for me to visit, what with having to sweep up plaster and mop floors in my available time. One is the ironbridge in Ironbridge (a good place to put a bridge made of iron in my opinion) and the other is an aquaduct in Fronllysllte ( I doubt I've spelt it correctly but it's something like that. Why Shropshire contains a place with such an obvious Welsh name is probably an interesting anecdote which would have made this post much more interesting. Instead I can just tell you that it is scary as hell to walk over if you don't like heights but quite spectacular if you do. I fall into the former category. I'd hoped that World Heritage Day was something about pasties and brown ale but sadly not, that's something entirely different. ( as an aside, I love the fact that Newcastle Brown Ale had to ask to remove their protected name status so that they could move the brewery out if Newcastle. Genius planning).
Next up is World Trifle Day. I think, as mentioned yesterday if you read it, that this is an unofficial-unofficial day as only @MyLegoman on Twitter had proclaimed it to be so. That's enough for me so make trifle I did. I don't actually like the stuff, soggy cake and tinned oranges have no place in my dietary requirements. Instead I made bowls of jelly using strawberry glitter jelly (oooooh! sparkly), topped it with Happy Shopper's own brand custard and let son 1 squirt cream on top. It wasn't actually bad and 3/4 of those served it cleaned their bowls. A triumph. I even managed to get a sensible hypothesis out of son 1 who offered up the idea that it is called trifle as it has three layers (hence "tri"). Anyone know if this is correct? If not then please feel free to start suggesting that it is.
Finally I can tell you about Banana Day. Whilst in Berlin last week the hotel staff wrote messages on the bananas so I decided to celebrate by doing the same. The picture is on Instagram and Facebook. Go on, have a look. I know you're wondering what they say!
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