Day 276 - Bond, James Bond
Did you do anything nice for Do Something Nice Day? I was wondering what to do when an opportunity arose on my train home. A fellow passenger had fallen asleep so gave him a tap to wake him up as we were at the last stop. I'm sure that he appreciated it. Up until that point my best effort was to compliment someone on their shiny shoes.
On my way home I celebrated Plaidurday, a day to celebrate the wonder of plaid. I used to be a big fan of plaid back in my grunge days bit I haven't wore any for a while. I found a shirt in a charity shop and am quite pleased with it. Yay for plaid! The kids watched Hop after school and the Easter bunny wore a check shirt throughout that as well. Is check the same as plaid?
Whilst in the charity shops I also picked up some James Bond based goodies as it was Global James Bond Day. There were two Dvds in CEX for 50p each (Casino Royale and Die Another Day). I then went into British Heart Foundation and they had the same two Dvds for £1.49 each. They however have the book of Casino Royale so I picked that up too.
I'm writing this whilst watching Die Another Day. I'd forgotten how bad it was. Brosnon was good as Bond but that film was just silly. Roger Moore was my favourite, he was the best at delivering one liners. I also took the celebration to the next level by making a vodka martini, shaken not stirred. I haven't tried it before and I know that purists will say it should be stirred rather than shaken but I'm in this for the celebration, sometimes you just have to go with it. It was far nicer than I expected as the last time i tried vermouth I couldn't drink it.
I also wearing jeans at the moment as it was Denim Day. That's it for today. If you're a pizza fan there are another two pizza celebrations next week.
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