Day 281 - Porridge and teddy bears
I usually start the day with toast or cereal as I'm usually in a rush. I've mentioned this before, more than once. Today I changed my routine, got up a little earlier and made myself a bowl of porridge to celebrate World Porridge Day. I have a proper spurtle to mix it with as well which always makes me smile. I spotted other celebrationistas doing to same and posting on Twitter about it. As it happens, there was also a charity piggybacking on the celebration and asking people to make smiley faces with their porridge, so I did using blueberries. Yum. I don't understand salty porridge, I'm a maple syrup man or failing that, brown sugar. The charity is called Mary's Meals and provides meals to underfed children across the world. I made a small donation to help out. If you'd like to support them as well then they have a dedicated text number, the details can be found at
I didn't walk to school on International Walk To School Day as I don't go to school but I did take my teddy to work to celebrate Bring Your Teddy To Work Day. This raises a question though, for a teddy to be a teddy, does it have to be a bear? I have a monkey called Chi Chi. Is he a teddy or must be stuffed toy? For today's purpose he was my teddy regardless. I think he enjoyed it, he didn't complain anyway so that's a starter. Not many people asked about him although someone did stick a picture of a retired colleague to him. Hmm...
I was going to go for a haircut after work but the hairdresser only takes cash. It still surprises me that they haven't got with the program yet. Are there any other businesses which lag behind like that? Instead I gave my grass a haircut but I don't think that qualifies for Love Your Hair Day. Shame.
I dug out a spinning top to observe International Spinning Top Day but now that the kids have gone to bed I can't find it. I was planning on having a play. My youngest enjoyed it, briefly. They're so simple but pretty cool.
Finally today I also supported World Homeless Day. There is a good homeless charity in Shrewsbury called The Ark and we have an annual event to raise funds where people bus all over the town. It's a great event and although it wasn't on this year, it will be back in April 2019. There are loads of homeless people on my walk through Birmingham which brings the scale of the problem home. I can't start to think how bad it must be to find yourself in that situation. You'd think that as a country we'd have found a way to stop it by now, hence why I signed a homeless periron organised by Crisis. Details are available at and the crisis website is
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