Day 279 - kicking fluffernutter butt

One out of two ain't bad, is it? There were two foodie celebrations today but I only managed one. Have you ever tried pierogi? I hadn't before today and am sorry to say that I still haven't.  There's a stall at the local folk festival which sells them but I've never given them a shot.  Maybe next year I'll think back to Pierogi Day and try them out. They are basically polish dumplings which you then fry in butter and eat with fried onions and sour cream. They are usually filled with potato and cheese but can include mince,  sauerkraut or mushrooms.  I found a recipe to make some but it would have taken a long time and as I be the onky one eating them, there seemed little point.  Tesco let me down and the local polish corner shop didn't have any either. Boo.
So what foodie day did you celebrate I hear you ask. I would keep you in suspense but as you've probably read the title of this post I expect you already know.  It was Fluffernutter Day so I had a fluffernutter sandwich. But what is one? I had to Google it. It's simply marshmallow fluff and peanut butter. An odd combination for a sandwich,  not something which can be bulked out with lettuce. I tried it anyway. They taste a bit like pudding. I lurve peanut butter, especially with strawberry jam. The jam was missing. I would eat one again but isn't something I'd be looking forward to. It would be more the sort something you choose when the only thing left in the cupboard is peanut butter and marshmallow fluff.
Moving away from food, today was American Touch Tag Day. I don't know whether there is a difference between American touch tag and tag but I assume not. Some Facebook posts suggest that tag means Touch And Go. Is this true or just a rumour? Does it matter? I tried to start a game of virtual tag on Twitter but no-one would play along. One person said that they were off the ground so it didn't count, one just didn't respond, possibly as he lives in a different time zone. I was hoping that it would start a craze but sadly it wasn't to be.
For Octopus Day I found out that the plural is not octopi as you may have been thinking. Both octopuses and octopodes are acceptable (although my spell check doesn't like the latter). So there you go.
Finally I ended the day by observing Kick Butt Day. Thus does not require me to actually kick a butt but is yet another day to do the things you've been putting off. For me, that meant fixing a broken drawer, mending a George Foreman grill and listing some roof bars for sale. This worked a treat as I've already found a buyer! Boom. Thanks Kick Butt Day.


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