Day 292 - nachos, buttons and an apple
I've celebrated apples already this year. Apples are great but they don't need too much fanfare. Today's celebration for Apple Day was having an apple with lunch, nothing exciting (you expected more?) but it gets tick number 982 so is worth mentioning. It wasn't even a particularly exciting apple but there you go.
What were you doing at 10pm today? I counted a tin of buttons. I'm told that there are more in the house but 1 tin was more than enough. If you're interested there were 90 buttons hidden within a rather small tin. I have no idea why Count Your Buttons Day exists, if anybody knows please do share.
I mentioned yesterday that today would be Pumpkin Cheesecake Day. I was planning on giving it a go as I have a tin of pumpkin puree in the cupboard waiting to be used and some frozen in the freezer as well. Sadly I realised that I would be the only one eating it so it seemed a but of a waste. I need a cake eating buddy to share non-transportable cake celebrations with. Any volunteers?
Finally today I managed to celebrate International Day Of The Nacho. I'm not sure whether I've made them at home before. I found a kit in Tesco which worked quite well. I paired it with some homemade bean chilli and corn cobettes. The boys wouldn't touch the chilli but they were happy with the nachos. Who doesn't like a tortilla chip?
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