Day 290 - gin, tonic and prawn bisque
The celebrating didn't start today until I was back from work. There were no cakes to share, no lollipops to provide. I could have dressed up as a dork to celebrate Dress As A Dork Day but I'm just too cool for school. My first celebration was therefore Seafood Bisque Day. I've never had seafood bisque. I went with prawn as it's the only seafood that my other half will eat. It was quite easy to cook, chuck some veg in some stock and blitz with some prawns and Greek yoghurt. The recipe did suggest passing it through a sieve but I can live with a little grit. It wasn't bad but I'm not sure I'll be rushing back for more. Maybe as a starter?
I found out quite late on that it was Wear Red Day which is part of the kick racism out of sport campaign. It's a worthy campaign but I only spotted it as a neighbour had a poster in their door. More advertising required. I also nearly missed International Gin and Tonic Day but thankfully there were a few tweets mentioning it. You probably recall Gin Day back in the summer (it was when I went to see Gary Barlow in concert, remember? ) but this time it was specifically gin and tonic, which is a completely different celebration. I didn't normally go for gin but I found it not too bad back then, and I quite liked it last week when we won the quiz in town. I therefore nipped to the shop for some tonic and made myself a rhubarb and ginger gin and tonic (we didn't have "normal"), and very nice it was too. I think I may have to try a few more of these.
Right, Graham Norton is on now so must go. It'll be Talk Shop Host Day this week so I should just record it really.
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