Day 306 - Egyptian kings and candy

Did you know that King Tut became pharoah when he was 9? My eldest is 9 and if he was king then the country would be in ruins. He said that we'd all need to eat meat every day. An odd first law to decree. King Tut was discovered on this day a number of years ago hence why it's King Tut Day. To celebrate it I asked Son 1 about him as he studied him in school. He died young as well and wore a fake beard. That was about as far as we got although there was a suggestion that he may have designed the sphinx.

It was also Candy Day today, a chance to eat the excesses which Halloween provides. I didn't really embrace it as sweets don't really don't for me. I mainly munched on some m&ms on passing through the kitchen.

The only other celebration today which I came close to celebrating was Common Sense Day. Friends were having a bonfire night bash so I used my common sense to stay away from the lighting part. That's someone else's job as far as I'm concerned. The fireworks were pretty cool and were pointed in the right direction, for the most part.


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