Day 307 - doughnuts and American football

My old secondary school used to gave a rugby team. They were quite good. I was never much use so didn't make the team but you'd hear about them from time to time in assembly. It didn't go much further than that. I saw a Stephen Fry show a while back where he experienced the Ameican equivalent. The whole town turned out to see the local high school kids play American football, or as they call it, football. There were cheerleaders,  a marching band and fireworks. It wasn't even a big town, it was just a big deal. I can't imagine the town throwing a party just to watch the rugby team. The usual crowd was made up of a few parents if that. As today was American Football Day I tried to watch some. I have no idea why it's called football as I didn't see the ball touch a single foot. If anyone can clear this up for me then please add a comment. The game was interesting enough but it doesn't flow very well, it just starts then stops every few seconds. I think I need to visit America and watch a game properly, maybe you need the atmosphere to get the real experience.
You'll no doubt be aware that today was Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Gunpowder Day, Bonfire Night, Fireworks Night, etc.  We did the fireworks thing last night as I mentioned yesterday. I missed the fire as was off running an errand but I saw the fireworks, I ooed and ahhed in the relevant places. I don't think that Guy Fawkes was mentioned, it was more a chance to get together and blow stuff up.  The baked potatoes were spot on and somebody made an amazing crumble. Happy days.
Lastly today I've just got back from Tesco having purchased a doughnut for Doughnut Appreciation Day. I've done doughnuts more than once this year. To celebrate I signed up to the Krispy Kreme website. They send you a voucher for a free doughnut as a thank you. Woohoo! Free doughnut. I had to eat it in secret though as my youngest isn't well and she'd have wanted some. I appreciated my doughnut quietly.  Yum.


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