Day 327 - parfait and hats
Is it me or does it seem that the people who decide on national holidays have run out of steam? The year is coming to an end and so are the celebrations. There were 5 listed today, two of which were repeats. Hat Day seems to turn up at least once a month according to Twitter and as I could find little else to do I wore a hat. I managed to squeeze in two actually as we took the kids to Cadbury World and I had to wear a Christmas hat for a family photograph ( how very festive). My non-christmas hat was, according to the label, made by Siegfried. I like it but Mrs H refused to be seen in public with me if I wore it out.
It was Shopping Reminder Day, so here's your shopping reminder! Buy your unnecessary stuff for Christmas now before the shops run out and you have to buy Finest rather than value.
It was Parfait Day as well. I've celebrated Strawberry Parfait Day already, today was just parfait. As I had some cream in the fridge it seemed a shame to waste the opportunity. I cooked up some frozen cherries in Cointreau to go with my ice cream and whipped cream. That's kind of a parfait isn't it? In the American sense anyway. I was quite tasty although I could work on my presentation.
Whilst writing this I've just remembered another celebration... Stir Up Sunday! I was supposed to make my Christmas pudding. Doh! There's no time now. I'll have to see if it's possible tomorrow. In the past the tricky part has always been the cooking as you need about 8 hours to boil it. I've had to set alarms in the middle of the night to turn off the hob before. Maybe this year we'll have to go with a shop bought one? What do you think?
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