Day 341 - nothing

Other than Pearl Harbour Remembrance Day, the rest of the celebrations today were all duplicates. I've done Bartender Appreciation Day, I've done Candy Floss Day, I've written letters.  It's like people have just got lazy with the celebrations today. Surely there are more which could be done in December?

There was one celebration however which I was completely unaware of until this afternoon which is worth mentioning, Elf Day! People are all about the elves these days. Elf day was a charity event, dress as an elf and raise money for Alzheimer's.  If you'd like to read more then the details are at . AS I say, I was unaware of it but happened to be wearing my elf hat anyway. When I went to the boys' Christmas fair the kids were wearing elf jumpers - it's as if they knew. What's more, when I picked Son 2 up from his drama group, a friend in the waiting room was in full elf gear having been raising money all day.  So there you have it, no celebrating from me but everyone wasn't it instead!

Hopefully I'll have something better for you tomorrow it's Christmas Tree Day. Yay!


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