Day 361 - snowflakes
I started this yet by jumping into a moderately cold pond, drinking a bloody mary and generally fitting in as many celebrations as I could into one day. I'm ending the year by cutting out paper snowflakes to celebrate Make Your Own Cut Out Snowflakes Day and generally acting like a sloth. It's hardly going out with a bang! I'm hoping that there will be something more exciting to tell you about between now and Monday. The only issue which cropped up with the snowflakes was whether they needed to have 6 sides. I'm fully aware that mist have 6 sides but I'm not sure whether they all do. It only takes 1 snowflake to change it from 'all' to 'most'. My cut out ones had 8 sides or 4 depending on the cut. Does anyone know the answer? I asked Twitter but only had one answer so I don't think that gives me a scientifically supported result.
I was intending on telling you about how I ate some Christmas cake with cheese but I was too full of Christmas pudding and mince pie so never got around to it.
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