Day 364 - bacon and bicarbonate
One thing this year has taught me is that my interest in eating meat has wained completely. Pig Day, Egg Day, Cow Day, try all helped to hammer the nails in. Today is Bacon Day so is my last meat based celebration. The obvious use of bacon is in a sandwich so that's what I did, for breakfast it was bacon buttues all around. Bacon is often cited as being the thing which would bring most people back to meat eating, my bacon sandwich did nothing for me. Maybe it was the tomato ketchup rather than HP sauce. It makes me that little bit happier that my month of being veggie shouldn't be as hard as I thought.
One celebration which I laughed at today involved taking down the Christmas tree. It isn't often that I point blank refuse to celebrate something but the tree should be up until at least new year's day in my eyes.
I did manage to fit in a second celebration this week, which is odd seeing as it has been such slim pickings. It was Bicarbonate of Soda Day. This meant baking, cleaning or doing cool experiments with the kids. I went with option 3. We mixed some bicarb with shaving foam and glitter. To this we then added white vinegar and the stuff bubbled all over the place. The kids liked it and son 2 wanted to add more vinegar to see what it would do. I said it would be a waste but he proved me wrong, it went on bubbling even more. We added a few dirty coins to see whether the mixture would do them any good. We might do it again tomorrow as its also Vinegar Day.
Well, here we are. One last day if celebrations tomorrow. Then what? What have been your highlights (if any!)?
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