Day 355 - bits and bobs
I had a choice of 19 celebrations to work with today. 19! There are 4 tomorrow. Feast and famine. I managed a few today so I'll try to keep this brief as I know you'd rather be drinking the sangria from yesterday instead of reading.
First up it was Ugly Christmas Sweater Day. I know what you're thinking. Last Friday was Christmas Jumper Day, why again? Last Friday was a charity event, today was just a chance to celebrate the sweater itself. I think that when it says ugly, the people behind the celebration think that all Christmas sweaters are ugly. I quite like them so I'm not sure that ugly is the right word. I didn't buy one last week so for today I ironed some patches onto the elbows of a red jumper which I bought last year. I think it looks understated and festive rather than ugly so maybe I haven't celebrated correctly. It'll do for me.
Next we have Kiwi Day. I like the odd kiwi but if you get them before their soft enough they're a bit sour. For today I picked up a pack of golden kiwis from Lidl. I wasn't sure what the difference would be as I haven't come across them before. The flesh was lighter, softer and juicier than a normal kiwis. It tasted pretty good. Kiwis are apparently higher in vitamin c than oranges. I can feel the goodness.
Ok. A quickie. Don't Make Your Bed Day. I didn't make it bed. Boom. Next.
There were a whole load of other potential celebrations such as Short Story Day, Underdog Day and Humbug Day. I went for Crossword Puzzle Day. I day I went for it, I mean I'm about to have a go. It's bedtime in a minute so I doubt I'll get much done.
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