Day 62 - mulled wine, whisskeeeey and ghdudgsh

I noticed a little way back that Mulled Wine Day was coming up. Really? Thought I. In March? But mulled wine should be in deepest darkest winter. Turns out it is deepest darkest winter!  One of the cafes in The Parade shopping centre (Shrewsbury) was selling it so it seemed silly to miss the opportunity. Sometimes it can be a weak and tasteless but this one was actually quite flavoursome, with two slices of orange. I prefer the make-it-yourself stuff rather than the prespiced bottles.  A good glug of brandy helps too.

To celebrate Cold Cuts Day we had ham, egg and chips for tea. I like a nice slice of ham but after Pig Day I'm finding it tricky. It doesn't help that it's roast pork day on Wednesday and meat ball day on Friday.  It's like it was planned. Son 1 wouldn't eat the thick part as it looked like blood and the baby was only interested in the egg. Maybe they're trying to tell me something.

I was hoping to do something for Soup It Forward Day, a day to make soup for others, but I forgot whilst in town and meet you around to making any. I thought about paying for a bowl in a cafe for whoever bought some next but I forgot as I was thinking about the mulled wine too much. I still like the idea but I think it's worth doing properly. I might contact The Ark (homeless charity in town) to see whether they do anything similar.

There were a few other days such as Peach Blossom Day and What If Cats and Dogs had Opposable Thumbs Day where I couldn't really do much. We put the blue tokens from Tesco in the Shropshire Wildlife Centre pot as it was World Wildlife Day but I accept that we could have done more. 

International Irish Whiskey Day was an eye opener. I went to to whiskey shop in town for a miniature but they only had small scotch bottles. I found a little bottle of Jamesons in Tanners instead. I haven't really tried Irish whiskey before but I quite liked it. No peat!  I had half straight up and the rest with some ginger beer. Yum.

Right, it's Sock Monkey Day so I need to mend the one which my wife made for our son a few years ago. His tail needs seeing up.

Nighty night.


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