Day 85 - paella, country music and more whisky
To celebrate Spanish Paella Day today, my good lady wife found a weight watchers recipe and I followed it to the letter. Kind of. She doesn't do squid or shells on prawns but other than that we stuck to the recipe. It went against my inner chef to use brown rice but I put my faith in them and carried on regardless. It was a bit like when you follow your sat nav and even though you know the road is a dead end you drive up it anyway. After the stated cooking time the rice was still hard so I added water and cooked it longer. I eventually gave up and ate it al dente. I can safely say that I won't be using that recipe again. If Jamie Oliver can get shot down on social media for using chorizo then they would have a field day with me using brown rice. Bleurgh.
I enjoyed Quirky Country Music Song Title Day. I like country music anyway, YouTube seems to think that it's my favourite genre based on how often it turns up in My Mix. I've come across such classics as "you're the reason out kids are ugly" before but today offered up "she thinks my tractor's sexy" and "rockin' a beer gut". Not all country music has silly titles but there does seem to be an abnormal number. What is more, most of them are actually quite good as well, they're not just a way to sell singles.
International Whisky Day could have been messy but I managed to limit myself (it is a school night). I'm not that keen on whisky but I've found that when you do find a type you like then they can be very good. I decided to use the day as an opportunity to try a different bourbon. I usually have Jack Daniels in the house but there are plenty of other brands out there. I went with Makers Mark which was sweet and smooth. Very pleasant. I missed Scotch Whisky Day so I'm glad that I managed to find time today to fit a whisky in. Some colleagues were having a leaving do so it was a good chance to celebrate. What I nearly forgot to mention was that one of the reasons why today is Whiskey Day is due to the celebrated Whiskey writer, Michael Jackson. It was his birthday. He suffered from Parkinson's disease towards the end of his life so if you can spare a minute, take a look at his Wikipedia page and maybe raise a glass to him.
I found out that some people were referring to today as Cleavage Day but I chose not to do anything for that one. I definately did not spend any time celebrating cleavages. It was also Viagra Day which some people may have chosen to celebrate. I don't have time to celebrate everything though so that is one which I had to pass on.
Tomorrow is a day where I may need some help. It will be Hot Tub Day. Does anyone happen to have one I can borrow? I'll bring the choc ices (Eskimo Pie Day!)
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