Day 63 - marching and Michael Houghtons

Today started with a bang. It was Marching Band Day so I put on some marching music during breakfast. It's quite invigorating.  Most of the tunes have been used in war movies or oddly, Monty Python, so were instantly recognisable.  Two of them were even tunes which we use for morris dancing, just slightly louder and less bouncy. It's not a "go to" genre of music for me but it's definitely something to give you a kick up the backside when you need it. Whenever I think of marching band music I'm usually taken to a film (The Other Sister) starring Giovanni Ribisi (Phoebe's brother from Friends) where he was being given advice about how to "set the mood" for "his first time". The advice was to put on his favourite music so he chose 76 Trombones.

Next it was Namesake Day. To celebrate the idea is to find out who (if anybody) you were named after. I wasn't really named after anyone ( as I understand it) but rather my Dad would be happy with any name which could be linked to a Manchester City player. Michael Summerbee used to play for them some time ago, back before they were relegated,  twice,  and had lots of cash thrown at them. I decided to use the opportunity to also follow some other Michael Houghtons on Twitter.  There are a fair few of them, one of them is even a fellow Evertonian.

I didn't have an opportunity to do any scrapbooking for International Scrapbooking Industry Day, not play with any Toy Soldiers for Toy Soldier Day. I did however dig out my old medals as it was Finisher's Medal Day. I also name checked some inspirational runners on Facebook. I'll be running again in June so will hopefully get another medal, unless it turns out to be Wear an Aqualung Day or something equally silly.

March Forth is a good day to celebrate. It's an obvious one really,  a bit like Just Do It Day. I've been booked to travel to Edinburgh to play volleyball over the next few days but travel options were getting worse and worse all week. I was on the verge of pulling out as the rail app said cancelled on almost every option. I "marched forth" though and found that if you ignore the app, there was an emergency schedule which would just about get me to the airport on time.

That takes me nicely to Holy Experiment Day. I'm not religious but the idea of Holy Experiment Day is to give it a go anyway and see what happens. I'm not a big fan of flying (although I'm not in the Mr T camp) so a little meditation might help! I'll give it a go and see how it works out.

I didn't get to celebrate Dance the Waltz Day as we've had a busy morning but some if you may wish to partake if you have a moment. My efforts for Snack Day amounted to a KitKat Chunky and a packet of Hula Hoops. I've also got an apple and some non specific orange type things.  ( What are they when they don't  call them satsumas or tangerines? You wouldn't say "I'd like an easy peeler please" would you? )

That's me for now. Tomorrow will be Cinco de Marcho (a day to prepare yourself for heavy drinking on St Patrick's day) and also Absinthe Day, I'm not sure how that fits in with two days of volleyball but we'll see.


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