Day 80 - fragrant puppets
"You smell kinda pretty, wanna smell me? Hoohah!" - Johnny Bravo. Today was a day to smell good, Fragrance Day. The only fragrance I own is called Spiderman and doesn't have a squirted anymore. I've had it for some time. I used to have one called "Total Rejection" but it was drunk by a friend as it said that it contained alcohol on the bottle. To celebrate Fragrance Day I therefore pipped into boots on the way through town and tested Cool Water by Davidoff (is that David Hasselhoff shortened? ). It's the one where the muscly man flings himself out of the sea and shakes his hair like a wet dog. I can't do the hair thing anymore but the rest seems quite apt. Thankfully the stuff doesn't smell of wet dog, that wouldn't be a selling point. Usually I like to smell of man, meaning whatever body spray with man written on it which happens to be on offer at the time. Currently it is Sure 48h. (Do people really leave it 48h before reapply?) Anyway, my attempts received a meh comment from the wife which is preferable to the usual urgh. Well done Mr Hasselhoff!
Next up we have poetry day. I don't tend to read poems as anything which needs dissecting in order to be understood is often lost on me. I do like easy to understand poetry however. At bedtime middle child had Jumblebum for his story which is written in rhyming couplets. That's poetry isn't it? I also shared some of Dave Gorman's Found Poems on social media. For the uniniciated this is where he reads the comments people put on line and forms them into a poem. Some of the stuff people write is ludicrous. (Maybe this will make its way into one one day?) The opinions are obviously extreme and somewhat far fetched. Search them up, they're worth a giggle. (By the way, search it up is a phrase used by my kids. Is this youngspeak or just my kids inventing new terms?) For Valentine's Day I bought my good lady wife a book of love poems so I'll read some to her as well to celebrate, assuming she doesn't go to bed before I get the chance.
For tea we all (wife excepted - remember the mean bean challenge? still going strong!) ate baguette as it's French Bread Day. This was always going to be a winner. Bread and butter is a big favourite in our household. It got a cheer from the boys! I worked in France in 1998 (those were the days) and had to chop loads of baguette for part of my job. It's amazing how quickly baguette goes stale. It says a lot for English bread.
For Flower Day I bought some tulips. Purple, my favourite colour. (Remember that, it'll come up again soon.) We don't tend to have flowers in the house as they get in the way more than anything. We need to find a dedicated vase place. They look nice for now. I never quite understand why big flower bouquets cost so much. Am I stingy? Don't answer that.
It was Puppetry Day so I tried to persuade the kids to watch Fraggle Rock. Not interested. Old kids programs are slow, they build up to the funny bits whereas modern kids programs last 5 minutes, hit them with fart jokes and move on before they can get bored. Is it the programming which creates a short attention span or did they have to adapt due to short attention spans? Hmm... I watched a video of Brian Connelly doing his "It's a puppet!" sketch (worth revisiting) and I also chased Maggie with a glove puppet which made her giggle. She liked trying to feed it milk but didn't like it trying to eat her feet. Who would?
Finally it was World Down Syndrome Day. If you've just crawled out from under a rock and haven't seen it already I shared a video about 50 mums and their children, all the same age, who have Down Syndrome, doing carpool karaoke. I'll try to add it to this as well to save you having to search it up. The video is informative and beautiful. There was also a push to wear odd socks in support of the day but I didn't find out until I was in work else I'd have joined in. I'm sure that you'd have loved another photo of my feet.
It won't be long until Make Up Your Own Celebration Day. Any thoughts on what you'd like to see? Add them in the comments below and I might put them to a vote.
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