Day 163 - another bath and more bourbon
Another day, another bath. I've already had two baths this year, once to read in it (didn't like that) and once to bang a saucepan ( just weird). I assumed that today's Bath Day was just a normal relax day but no, this was has ulterior motives as well. Have you ever come across Archimedes and his Eureka moment? Today is the anniversary of the date ( supposedly) so we celebrate not just by taking a bath like he did but by relaxing. He took a break in order to clear his mind and the answer hit him. I'm writing this from the comfort of my bath (too much info?) so once I'm done typing I'm going to relax and ponder, maybe something will come to me.
Whilst relaxing I'm also celebrating Bourbon Day. I did this on Whiskey Day not thinking that there might be a bourbon day around the corner. It's worth celebrating twice though. When I was young and used to go to rock clubs (those were the days) I envisaged one which only sold three drinks, Jack Daniels, Budweiser and coke. All were priced in round pounds so service would be quick and efficient. The bar sells more as they can serve quicker, the punters queue less so can dance for longer. Win win. If anyone wants to celebrate Bourbon Day by investing in my concept then give me a shout. (PS I get to DJ!)
One spooky coincidence today was that it was Pop Goes The Weasel Day. I haven't heard that ditty in years but a lady was singing it to her daughter on my way to the train station. Do you think she knew? My little girl was staying with her grandparents today so I couldn't sing it to her. I did however celebrate it by playing it on my mandolin.
There were quite a few other celebrations going on today such as Family History Day. I was sent a copy of my grandad's RAF papers. I've never tried researching family history but I'm sure it is worth the effort if those "Who Do You Think You Are " programmes are anything to go by. I recently read a book about a lady who justified her bad behaviour on the basis that her father was bad so she has bad genes. Star Wars however is evidence that the good and bad can't be defined at a genetic level. I use the term evidence very loosely here.
I didn't do any monkeying around on Monkey Around Day. I didn't eat any Strawberry Shortcake on Strawberry Shortcake Day. I'm sure that the people who plan these try to put some of the more fun days on the weekend which is helpful but next week would have me surfing on a Thursday. That could have been fun. Couldn't they have pushed it to the weekend?
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