Day 170 - so many celebrations!
Right. Let's do this. It's getting late so I'll try to give you the gist of what's been going on today.
It started with Giraffe Day. I love giraffes and am generally sad that they are endangered. I wore my giraffe tie in support of our horizontally challenged friends. I also read a little about them and found a save the giraffe website. I recommend you all do the same or else we'll be soon talking about them in te past tense.
Next up was World Selfie Day. This made it on to radio 2 which says a lot. I tweeted some selfies as required, one of me wearing my giraffe tie and one playing music with my Morris Dancing chums as it was also World Music Day (and Make Music Day too but I fail to see a distinction). I spent a fair amount of my evening playing my mandolin. Yay!
I didn't get a chance to do any naked hiking, I was going to wander aimlessly whilst on my lunch break but I thought that if I did so it would be in order to celebrate Aimless Wandering Day which would mean that it wasn't aimless!
I shook some hands for Handshake Day, I ate some peaches ad ice cream for Peaches And Ice Cream Day (that's a lot of ice cream this week).
After work I managed to squeeze in twenty minutes of yoga to celebrate Yoga Day. I've already celebrated once, I think that this was World Yoga Day rather than National Yoga Day, or possibly the other way around. Either way, I spent twenty minutes with Adriane on YouTube bending and stretching. It wasn't as much fun as Cosmic Kids Yoga but she's an entertaining teacher. The list of videos did include naked yoga, which would have been a good warm up for naked hiking day, but I don't think that I'm quite ready for that yet.
There were too many celebrations today to fit them all in but I'm off quickly to wee in the garden (apparently it's good fertilizer) as it's Pee On The Ground Day.
Oh, its also Daylight Appreciation Day due to it being the longest day and all. Unfortunately there are only 3 celebrations tomorrow. Feast as famine! Night night.
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