Day 151 - rocky road
After yesterday's silliness today has been quite calm. The easier celebration to tick off today was Family Recreation Day. It's definately a good thing anyway but as we're sat on a campsite it would be difficult to not do something recreational as a family. The activities included using the lake, the rope swing, the park and general campsite shenanigans. There might be some parent v child rounders if parents can pull themselves from their chairs. It depends mainly on how long it takes for the hot dogs to go down.
Rocky Road Day probably went down the best. Mrs H made some before we set off a couple of days ago and everybody had a piece of chocolatey biscuity goodness. It's basically a way of using up sweet stuff but it's sooo good.
I made a half hearted effort for Learn To Row Day by sitting in an inflatable canoe and rowing little miss H around the lake. She was quite happy for about 5 mins. Not really learning to row but close effort for my needs.
I also made half an effort for Drawing Day by sketching 3 campers outside a tent. It wasn't very good. I need to work on my drawing.
Considering the difficulty of celebrating whilst camping I think that the last few days have been quite productive. I'm not sure what delights next week will bring but we'll see.
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