Day 179 - yet more picnicking

I'm starting to get a feeling of deja vu.  I mentioned only days ago about being abke to picnic again after my first failed attempt. Today's celebration  was The Great American Picnic Day. I don't know what makes that type of picnic different to a normal picnic, could any American readers please share below please?  We went with sandwiches, crisps, olives, cocktail sausages and houmous.  I imagine that we could have americanized it with some yellow mustard in the sandwiches but I think I'll claim a tick in my book all the same.

Celebrate Your Marriage Day was tricky to do with my wife as she was off singing in Dudley all day. I spent the day with our three angelic children instead. To celebrate I temporarily changed my Facebook picture to a photo from our wedding day. It was probably as hot then as it was today but I didn't have to wear a suit and tie today. Yay! It was also Social Media Day so I think that counts as a twofer. I use social media every day in an attempt to publicise my efforts and share some of the events. My following has more than doubled since January but as it was only about 70 to begin with that doesn't really say much. I wasn't a big user of Facebook before this year but it gets so addictive. I'm looking forward to being able to switch my  media off on 1 Jan next year.

Finally, today is Meteor and Asteroid Day, two separate celebrations. I'm thinking about stargazing once it goes dark but it's almost 10pm now and the sum has yet to set. I may be asleep by the time it gets dark, we'll see. TTFN.


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