Day 162 - weeds, and, well that's it

I'm sure that I've had to do some weeding already this year. Today however was Weed Your Garden Day so I had to do some more. It was probably for the best as we have some nasty vine stuff which wraps around the rose tree every year and strangles it. I spent a few minutes pulling it off so that it can survive for another day. Yay. I accept that the garden in general us a little but unruly but as I've established that dandelions are our friends I don't want to do too much.

When I listed the celebrations for today I could only find three. The other two were Kitchen Klutzes Of America Day and Sewing Machine Day. The kitchen one is specific to America which is no use to me, the sewing machine one however was something I could have celebrated as we do have a machine. Time was against me, that and any real understanding of how to use it. It's been a while since I tried to fight with one. I spent more time trying to fix the dodgy bits than sewing.

Today I also uncovered a few extra celebrations which included International Axe Throwing Day. Why was that kept quiet?  I didn't much like the idea of chucking a hatchet in the garden as the kids would only get ideas. There is an axe throwing place in Shrewsbury called Timberjacks. I mentioned to them on social media that it was a day to celebrate in the hope that they'd offer me a free throw, I'm still waiting!  Again, time was against me but hopefully I'll get a chance to try it out. It sounds fun.


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