Day 169 - ice cream and refugees
Wow. Who'd have thunk it. Donald Trump actually did something sensible today, against his wishes admittedly but at least he saw sense in the end. He signed an order to let migrant children stay with their parents rather than being taken away from them. Today was World Refugee Day and there was a lot of media attention on it. Migration and refugees have been in the media a lot recently due to the ridiculous wars going on all over the place and the ridiculous political policies which treat people as numbers. I saw a tweet which said that parents would only squash their children on to a boat if the boat was safer than the land. Quite right too. I fail to see the reason why out politicians keep people out. Migration is nothing more than a small factor in calculating the population of a country. If there are no controls over birth count then why worry about a tiny contributory factor. To do my part today I signed a petition asking world leaders to do something positive. I doubt it'll do anything in the short term but hopefully that sort of thing will see the tide turn in their favour.
On a much lighter note, I've just had a coke float to celebrate Ice Cream Soda Day. This was a bit like Brown Cow Day except without the root beer or chocolate sauce. It didn't do anything for me to be honest.
That was it today which was odd as there were a whole load of celebrations to choose from. For example, Take A Hike With A Geek Day. I didn't have time to go hiking and would have needed to persuade a geek to come along. I did kind of celebrate World Wi-Fi Day as I'm using Wi-Fi to write this now. The day is however more about providing connectivity to places which need it. I also skipped Vanilla Milkshake Day as I was premature yesterday. Two ice cream drinks in one day would be a little excessive.
There are 17 celebrations to choose from tomorrow so hopefully I'll have some interesting anecdotes to share with you about music, handshakes and giraffes, amongst other things.
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