Day 201 - burnt cream and rats
Celebrations today weren't as interesting as I'd hoped that they would be but hopefully there will be enough to keep you entertained. It's either this or Love Island.
Hammock Day sounded like something worth celebrating but I don't have a hammock and didn't have a chance to get hold of one. I know a couple of people who have them but there wasn't an opportunity to go visiting. We used to have a hammock years ago but it never got used and went moldy.
I had to Google "Spoonerism" to find out how to celebrate Spoonerism Day. In case you, like me, need educating, it is the name given to sentences where you accidentally swap syllables around. For example, I am phlogging on my bone. Oh, that doesn't sound good. I gold my hands up to this one, I completely forgot about it do didn't really celebrate. One that I did celebrate was Rat Catcher's Day, a celebration of the Pied Piper. I tried to tell the story to my youngest but as I didn't have a book with pictures she wasn't interested. I need to work on my technique. Instead we had Cinderella... again. I did however tell it to the boys and they listened, briefly. The response? "When can watch The Karate Kid?" I tried.
Lion's Share Day took place today. The day to claim the largest slice of the action. We had a barbecue for tea and I definately had the most, mainly because I cooked things which I liked rather than cooking sausages for the boys. I cooked an aubergine with a maple and paprika glaze. Yum. Pork chops, sweet corn and cous cous. They picked here and then, I filled up. The aubergine worked well, must remember that when I find more jackfruit.
The kids were more interested in the pudding. I bought a couple of creme brulees as the shop didnt have enough for all of us. Instead we picked up some caramel pudding things which they loved. I celebrated Creme Brulee Day. I assumed that they would have a sugar topping but instead it came with a little sachet which you sprinkle on top and then leave for a few minutes. It didn't have that crack through the topping thing which you get with a blow torch but it was still tasty. Son 1 tried it and said urgh as I'd explained that the name meant burnt cream. He then realised that it was actually quite nice and came back for more.
That'll do for today, I'm off to London in the morning but hopefully I'll have something to tell you about tomorrow. I know that your day isn't complete without a little yay!
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