Day 207 - dancing for chocolate ( and hamburgers)

It would be difficult to avoid celebrating  today in our house.  The boys can't walk across the room without dancing. I think I've mentioned it before as dancing comes up on the list from time to time.  Today was Dance Day. Sadly there was no ballet for our youngest. I showed the boys videos of people dancing to all of Michael Jackson's hits and a little bit of K-pop which they quite liked.  The icing on the cake was going to a friend's retirement party and dancing to some ceilidh tunes, young Maggie had a very big smile on her face.

I did think that the boys might be interested in Day Of The Cowboy but they weren't interested. I'd expected to have to explain why Indians are baddies but the whole concept of cowboys and Indians seems to have disappeared, which can only be a good thing.

Milk Chocolate Day was only ever going to involve Cadburys. Is there any other chocolate which can compare?  I thought it best to keep it simple so picked up a bag of buttons. Everyone loves buttons. Unfortunately the kids like them too much so I didn't get many. Boo.

It was too cloudy to visit the town water park to celebrate Waterpark Day so instead we did Hamburger Day, twice.  I picked up some pork mince and we made some homemade burgers. They weren't bad but nobody was very excited by them.   We then arrived at the aforementioned retirement party and had more burgers. Yay.

There were a few sensible celebrations today such as Drowning Prevention Day and World Hepatitis Day but these didn't get a look in.

Tomorrow will be Lipstick Day. Selected Boots stores will be giving them away. Don't all queue up at once though, I need to get mine!


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