Day 181 - oh, what was it I was supposed to do?
When life gives you lemons you make lemonade. When random days to celebrate give you nothing at all to work with you watch the football and look forward to Tuesday.
I mean really, the best there was to celebrate today was UFO Day and I Forgot Day. I'm sitting in the garden and are there any UFO's? No. Not even a random light in the sky which I can pretend might be a UFO. There was a food stall at the recent festival which sold fudge and went by the initials UFO, maybe I should have gone down that route?
I Forgot Day was about saying sorry to the people whose birthdays you've forgotten, or just making up for general forgetfulness. How am I supposed to do that? If I've forgotten something then I've forgotten it! It's not Remember Something Which You've Forgotten Day is it? I rarely get any cards out on time but they usually get there eventually. If you're waiting for something from me then I've forgotten. Unless it's a form which I need to fill in in which case I haven't forgotten, I just can't find it and am too tired to look through the ever growing pile.
Anyway, tomorrow includes chocolate wafers and beans, not necessarily together. Hopefully that will give me something less moany to write about. If I don't post anything it's either because the aliens turned up late or I've forgotten.
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