Day 196 - yellow pig tattoos πŸ˜€

No food to celebrate today?  What's going on? How am I supposed to work out what to eat if I'm not celebrating something?  I'm going to be so confused when this year is over.

I tried to start the day by celebrating Tattoo Day. Apparently you have to book a slot months in advance if you want to get ink done so I had to make do with some temporary tattoos which the boys have in the art cupboard. I tried to do it myself and failed miserably. Thankfully my good lady wife is a dab hand at applying them so she did it for me about half an hour ago. I'm quite liking my Dragon. Tattoos are everywhere now. It used to be bikers, rockers and sailors but it's become so trendy that it's odd to not have a tattoo. They've gone from being small to people having complete sleeves done. Why? And they've moved from the top of arms to forearms. My taste is too fickle to decide on one picture to have tattooed so I doubt I'd ever have one. My favourite tattoo is one that a friend has of people do a triathlon around her ankle. It's something she does so it means something and it isn't in your face. If I was to get something it would probably be a bass clef, although I haven't played bass properly for years it's still something I identify with. I once saw an program about tattoos where the artist was asked who she would like to tattoo. The answer was Brad Pitt as he would make a great canvas. On that basis I have a long way to go before my canvas is worth painting on.

World Emoji Day was much easier to celebrate today.  I managed to stay away from the movie and stuck with using emojis in my text messages. I'm not an emoji user and I doubt that after experimenting today that anything will change. It takes too long. A picture may say a thousand words but sadly not necessarily the right ones. I did however respond to a tweet where someone was asking people to say what they were doing by using emojis and they would guess. They got it right although it wasn't that difficult.

Possibly the weirdest celebration I've come across took place today. Yellow Pig Day. The story goes that some mathematicians in the 60s were working on the number 17 (my favourite number) and they designed a yellow pig with 17 toes and 17 teeth, etc. How they got from researching the properties of a number to drawing a yellow pig I do not know but this was the 60s so I'm guessing drugs were involved. How to celebrate Yellow Pig Day? Beats me, answers on a postcard.

I didn't do anything about Wrong Way Corrigan Day either but I liked the story behind it so I thought I'd share it all the same. Mr Corrigan wanted to fly his plane from America to Ireland but he wasn't allowed.  He was allowed to fly west so he filed a westerly flight plan. He then flew to Ireland anyway saying that he got lost, it was very cloudy and his equipment was not working properly. I'm not sure if the moral is damn the man, or just do it, or what but I can see why he gets celebrated.

Today is also the 63rd anniversary of the opening of Disneyland in case you're interested. It'll be Hotdog Day tomorrow if you're not sure what to have for tea. It's either that or Caviar.  I know which I'm going for.


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