Day 210 - avocados and bassoons
5.35am. That's the time I usually get up of a morning. I have time to grab some cereal or toast before heading off to the train station. I've said something about breakfasts recently, probably on Bagel Day. Today was Shredded Wheat Day so for breakfast I had... poached eggs! Eh? You weren't expecting that were you? I set my alarm for 5.15am and used the extra time to cook breakfast. But why not shredded wheat? I'll get to that. I always thought that poached eggs used egg poaching pans. I have some contraptions called poaching pods so you'd have thought that cracking an egg into one would mean that you were poaching an egg. Apparently not. Poaching is when you crack an egg directly into the water, poaching pods are actually coddling (or so I'm told). Anyway, I tried poaching and as usual, failed. Some people use vinegar in the water, some make a whirlpool. I just cracked the egg directly into the water and hoped for the best. The egg kind of spread all over the place. Grr. Anyway, the reason for this wad that it was Avocado Day. The eggs were to go with my avocado on toast. Unfortunately my avocado was practically rotten. I had to scrape out the bits which were still edible. The avocado was supposed to be the star of the show but there was only just enough to taste in the end. Oh well, I tried.
Food wise today was also Cotton Candy Day (candy floss). We are lucky to have a candy floss maker so I used it after tea. I've haven't tried it before, it's quite good fun. Making it means twirling a stick around a machine which blows the sugar into strands. Once it was made however it tasted just like normal candy floss, bland and pointless. It was supposed to be cherry flavour but it tasted of nothing but sugar and it disappears once it's in your mouth. Its not for me.
To celebrate Uncommon Musical Instrument Day I listened to some bassoon tunes on YouTube. You don't really hear that many bassoon solos and I can see why. There is an Eddie Izzard sketch about playing sexy tunes on an I instrument like the saxophone. You can't play sexy tunes on a bassoon.
There are a few unofficial Harry Potter celebrations and today lays claim to one of them. Harry's (and JK Rowling's) birthday is on July 31st. To celebrate what better way than read one of the books? I'm reading the Deathly Hallows at the moment with Son 1 and as chance would have it, the first words I read today were "Happy birthday Harry!" No word of a lie. Spooky eh? We'd got to his birthday celebration, just before the wedding. I couldn't have timed it any better! Happy birthday JK.
I mentioned earlier that it was Shredded Wheat Day. I had intended to make some chocolatey cakes with them but it is now 10.30pm and to tell the truth I can't be bothered. I'm off to make a cocktail instead. Nighty night.
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