Day 193 - it's pandemonium!
Today's celebrations started off quite low key. The heatwave was back with a vengeance so a cool light lunch seemed on the cards - not on Mac 'n' Cheese Day. Last weekend it was Macaroni Day, today took it one step further. We decided to go with it anyway as the kids all love it. Oddly though, child 3 decided that sitting in her swimming pool wad more fun. By swimming pool I mean washing up bowl. She was celebrating Naked Day (unbeknownst to her) instead. I think that the kids have finally decided that Grandpa's macaroni cheese recipe is the best (he uses much more cheese) but I can live with second place.
As my daughter was in her "swimming pool" I dug out her toy shark to help celebrate Shark Awareness Day. She was quite happy about it and didn't understand my "duh duh" references. We took the toy shark out with us so that I could take a few pictures of it and share them on social media. The awareness campaign is to try to let people know that sharks aren't the killers that the movies make them out to be, and that we kill millions more of them than they do us. It's about to kick off again shortly as another Shark movie hits the cinemas. I doubt I'd want to pet one but one movie can do terrible damage to an animal's reputation. People still think that Dobermans are dangerous dogs due to their use in The Omen. Maybe the campaign needs to look at making a movie where the shark is the hero rather than the villain.
I didn't think that I'd have a chance to celebrate Grand Marnier Day as I didn't want to buy a whole bottle and Tanners was shut when I went. Whilst we were waiting to watch Son 1's show at the Theatre (he was playing Clarence in Whistle Down The Wind) we went to the Riverside bar for a drink. My wife found a recipe for a cocktail which used the spirit and the barman mixed it up for me, Grand Marnier, ginger beer, lime and angustora bitters. It was delish! I'll certainly be trying it at home (although I'll have to use Cointreau and don't have any bitters).
Pandemonium Day also took place today. The country is in pandemonium politically but the day is to celebrate randomness, doing things without planning, living for the moment. You get the picture. My attempt? I started trimming a bush in the garden five minutes before leaving for the Theatre. Rock and roll. In addition, when we got home we put the TV on and there was a program on called Japandemoniun. It ha to be done. It's one of those shows where they show snippets of Japanese TV game shows and put a voice over it. The kids loved it. It was a bit silly but they do take pranks much further than we do here.
Not a bad day's celebrating considering the lack of planning.
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