Day 1 - take two
I've called this post "take two" as my efforts yesterday were eaten by my phone so I'm having to retype this out. Grr.
What a day! The first day of celebration gave me the chance to do something I haven't done in a long time, do something nice and do something rather silly. In all I'd say that there was a good variety of activities to make for a new year's day to remember.
First off, January 1st was national weigh-in day. It's a chance to take stock of the impact of all the excess of the christmas period. Unfortunately it doesn't really work for me. I know that this will upset many readers but whether I spend a month eating mince pies and chocolates whilst watching too many christmas films or spend it eating healthily and running on a daily basis, my weight stays the same. I'm a scientific anomaly. I weighed in bang on 12 stone as expected. I've been stuck at 12 since my teens. One day my metabolism will catch up with me but for now I need to find other means to reflect on all of those delicious pastries...
January 1st was also national commitment day. The idea here is fairly straight forward. You can think about your commitments and honour them in some way or make a new one. I've committed to this project for the next 365 days, or at least until I get really fed up of it.
National Z day was something different. It doesn't have anything to do with zombies thankfully but rather makes us think about those who are alphabetically challenged. The people who are always put last just because their name begins with a Z. It is a chance to rearrange the alphabet and put the zs first for a change. I don't know anyone who's name begins with a Z so instead my lovely wife found me a charity to help out. Zest is a Northern Irish charity which helps those who have suffered from self harm or are feeling suicidal. If you're interested in what they do then take a look at for more info. I slipped them a small donation to help celebrate. Yay.
The next national day to tell you about is Bloody Mary Day. This offered the opportunity to try something which I haven't done in a long time. The last Bloody Mary I tried was whilst on holiday in 2004, staying in an all inclusive hotel. It was one of those bars frequented by members of Wham! where the drinks are free. I ordered one just to try it but couldn't finish it. The drink is supposed to be a hang over cure hence why Bloody Mary Day follows New Year's Eve. I was rather lucky in that it turns out that cheeky vimtos and prosecco don't make your head as bad as Newcastle Brown Ale does the next day. I didn't have a hangover to cure but I have it a go anyway. I'm sad to say that they are still vile and I couldn't finish it. It could be something to do with the celery salt rim, or maybe cold tomato juice just isn't my thing.
The final national day which I chose to celebrate was polar bear swim day. I think this is more of a Canadian tradition but I decided to celebrate it all the same. Usually, polar bear swims take place on a beach surrounded by fellow supporters who are enjoying the lunacy of jumping into cold water as a group. Being based in Shropshire I however didn't have a beach to go to so had to make do with the beautiful Carding Mill Valley. Normally we would visit in the summer to paddle in the cool stream, not on a cold and windy day to jump into a reservoir. It wasn't until we arrived that we remembered that the paths aren't buggy friendly. Poor Maggie had to be dragged and bumped up the rocky path until it got too rough to proceed. We had to turn back. Fortunately, or possibly unfortunately, there was a dirty pool available which is usually used for stone skimming and exercising dogs. I stripped to my swimming trunks and carried out possibly the most pathetic polar bear swim which took place. It was more of a quick dip than a swim but it probably gave the couple who walked past something to laugh about. Not my finest moment.
Other days which took place on January 1st included copyright law day and Euro day. If you're interested in looking up these days yourself then visit I tried to attach some photos with my first post which may be why it failed. There is probably a decency filter which objected to the image of my pasty body. I hope that you've enjoyed day one and I look forward to what day 2 brings.
I applaud both your creativity and your commitment! The most I have thus far been able to summon up was a 2 mile run this morning, although to be fair a) it was raining and b) there were zombies. I look forward to seeing what you do today :-D