Day 16 - nothing and something

"Nothing will come of nothing" - Shakespeare, no rubbish. But was he right? Today was Nothing Day. Not "Do" Nothing Day, although I think that is supposed to be the point.  I sadly haven't had time to do nothing today, what with work, picking up the kids, cooking tea, blah blah blah. I might find time to do nothing after tea but I may have to appreciate a Dragon then (more on that later). Is it possible to do nothing? If I sit and stare at a wall then I'm sitting and staring, that's not nothing. The song talks about being busy doing nothing,  sitting the whole day through, trying to find lots of things not to do. Maybe I should try that.

It was Fig Newton Day which I found out is a specific brand of fig roll.  If it was Fig roll day then I'd have bought some but I have no idea where to get Fig Newton from. I haven't got to the point where I need to travel to America to buy biscuits (or are they cakes?)

It was Religious Freedom Day today. I'm all for religious freedom, do what you like but don't demand that others do the same. So crusades and the like are a no no. It's easy taking that attitude when you don't have a religion of your own, I wasn't sure how to celebrate it though so I did nothing (see what I did there?)

Speaking of doing nothing,  I didn't do anything about Appreciate A Dragon Day either. Dragon Day would have been easy but stick a verb in the title and the whole thing takes on a different meaning. How do you appreciate a Dragon? Give it a biscuit? Spend time with it? I quite like Dragony stuff but I couldn't think about how to appreciate one, so again I did nothing. I think that means that I did celebrate Nothing Day. Well I'll  be.

Today was really about the good. "I want something spicy!" Imagine that shouted in a Welsh accent from a hillside like in that advert for something or other. For International Hot and Spicy Food Day I had some pickled onions for lunch (honestly,  hot and spicy, see the photos) and made a sweet potato and spinach curry. We had spinach yesterday as well, that's 1.2kg of spinach in 2 days. You'll end up like Popeye I hear you shout,  Popeye Day is tomorrow though so I'm getting ahead of myself. Hot food is supposed to be a very mild type of poison, so it could kill you, meaning that as it didn't kill me I must be stronger.  Not only did it taste good but I'm stronger as a result. Happy days.


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