Day 27 - chocolate cake!

Today was always going to be about the chocolate cake. Let's face it. All the other celebrations were going to be pushed aside.

It was Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day. I had every intention of doing so. I found a local store (there's one on Mardol if you ever find yourself in Shrewsbury). My son had a dance class and the plan was to pop in whilst he was there, unfortunately it didn't happen. He insisted on wearing some heelies which he can't really walk on properly.  I warned him that he'd probably fall over, and fall over he did. I mean, who thought that putting wheels on shoes was a good idea?  It wouldn't be so bad if they folds away but they don't so kids end up walking on tiptoes and slipping every few steps. This meant he was late for dance class and we had to go and find some proper shoes in a charity shop. By the time we'd found them we were nowhere near the quilt shop. Grr.

Seed Swap Day was also a non event. I used to have an allotment but it was just too much time to look after it.  I thought that it would be something that the kids would enjoy. I was mistaken. I therefore don't have any seeds left to swap with people. It's a great idea as you always end up with seeds left over. The only ones I could find were some cherry stones which I kept on a whim.  Oddly, nobody on Facebook wanted them. Oh well,  I tried.

Thomas Crapper Day was celebrated in a round about way but you really don't want the details. One of my neighbours actually has a "crapper" but I thought that she may never speak to me if I asked to photograph it.

Now, back to the chocolate cake! We made one this morning using my wife's never fail recipe. Weigh eggs then weigh out the same amount of butter, sugar and self raising flour. To make it chocolatey we swapped 40g of the flour with cocoa. It made a great sandwich cake with fresh cream. Yum. The kids all enjoyed making it and eating it. Odd that. Hopefully I'll have some proper celebrations tomorrow,  assuming I don't just spend the day finishing off the cake!


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