Day 3
Not all of the national days which I'm celebrating involve going far afield or exerting myself unnecessarily, some are to commemorate past events, some are just there in a Ferris Bueller kind of way, to allow you to stop and look around at the little things. Today's events were a mix of those why-am-I-celebrating-this events.
First up was Chocolate-Covered Cherries Day. There isn't really much you can do about this one except eat some, so I did. I dipped cherries in dark chocolate last night and offered them to colleagues at work this afternoon. Most turned their noses up at them (don't like dark chocolate, don't like cherries, etc.) but a few were willing to give them a go. I still have a few to enjoy now. This was the first chocolate event of the year and it wasn't as popular as I thought it would be, I think that black forest gateau has had its day.
The next celebration of note was the Festival of Sleep. There is little history to this one, just an excuse to have a lie in. Considering how little sleep I had last night, this was a welcome celebration. Yay! My youngest has decided that suddenly waking and screaming for Mummy at 2 o'clock in the morning is a good thing so my 15 minute power nap after work actually worked to revitalise. I recommend it. I also fell asleep on the train home, even Michael Grant's latest book "Monster" couldn't stop that from happening. Its a regular occurrence so I can't really say that it was in celebration of the festival. I seem to have perfected the head-down-mouth-open-whilst-holding-book-up sleeping position. Its a skill which has been honed over years of rail commuting.
There was some confusion today around one of the celebrations. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a scandal but I'm still none the wiser. Basically, some websites are saying that today is Fruit Cake Toss Day, and some say that it is later in the month. One has it on Saturday on the basis that it follows the first Saturday of January so that is when I'll be doing it if anyone wants to join me. The festival is linked to an annual event which started in the American town of Manitou Springs (I'd never heard of i either). One such toss took place as late as 28 January so I think that this is a moveable feast (do you see what I did there?)
The final day to celebrate today was Drinking Straw Day as 3 January marks the anniversary of the patenting of the first design. I've been using one all day for all drinks, hot or cold, and am drinking my coffee through one as I type. (By the way, coffee goes really well with chocolate-covered cherries!) I should point out that the straw which I've been using is an orange reusable curly one with a giraffe attached. The important adjective in that sentence is reusable. There has been a big movement on twitter to try to persuade people to stop using single-use plastic straws. The plastics take a long time (centuries apparently) to break down and are adding to the world-wide plastic build up problem. I'm therefore celebrating Reusable Drinking Straw Day and will be on the market for a decent one to keep on my person whilst out and about, one which, unlike my son's orange giraffe straw which I'm borrowing, doesn't get clogged up with milkshake and can't be cleaned very well.
Thanks for reading, I'll try to add some exciting visual aids in case my descriptions above don't conjure up the necessary pictures.
First up was Chocolate-Covered Cherries Day. There isn't really much you can do about this one except eat some, so I did. I dipped cherries in dark chocolate last night and offered them to colleagues at work this afternoon. Most turned their noses up at them (don't like dark chocolate, don't like cherries, etc.) but a few were willing to give them a go. I still have a few to enjoy now. This was the first chocolate event of the year and it wasn't as popular as I thought it would be, I think that black forest gateau has had its day.
The next celebration of note was the Festival of Sleep. There is little history to this one, just an excuse to have a lie in. Considering how little sleep I had last night, this was a welcome celebration. Yay! My youngest has decided that suddenly waking and screaming for Mummy at 2 o'clock in the morning is a good thing so my 15 minute power nap after work actually worked to revitalise. I recommend it. I also fell asleep on the train home, even Michael Grant's latest book "Monster" couldn't stop that from happening. Its a regular occurrence so I can't really say that it was in celebration of the festival. I seem to have perfected the head-down-mouth-open-whilst-holding-book-up sleeping position. Its a skill which has been honed over years of rail commuting.
There was some confusion today around one of the celebrations. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a scandal but I'm still none the wiser. Basically, some websites are saying that today is Fruit Cake Toss Day, and some say that it is later in the month. One has it on Saturday on the basis that it follows the first Saturday of January so that is when I'll be doing it if anyone wants to join me. The festival is linked to an annual event which started in the American town of Manitou Springs (I'd never heard of i either). One such toss took place as late as 28 January so I think that this is a moveable feast (do you see what I did there?)
The final day to celebrate today was Drinking Straw Day as 3 January marks the anniversary of the patenting of the first design. I've been using one all day for all drinks, hot or cold, and am drinking my coffee through one as I type. (By the way, coffee goes really well with chocolate-covered cherries!) I should point out that the straw which I've been using is an orange reusable curly one with a giraffe attached. The important adjective in that sentence is reusable. There has been a big movement on twitter to try to persuade people to stop using single-use plastic straws. The plastics take a long time (centuries apparently) to break down and are adding to the world-wide plastic build up problem. I'm therefore celebrating Reusable Drinking Straw Day and will be on the market for a decent one to keep on my person whilst out and about, one which, unlike my son's orange giraffe straw which I'm borrowing, doesn't get clogged up with milkshake and can't be cleaned very well.
Thanks for reading, I'll try to add some exciting visual aids in case my descriptions above don't conjure up the necessary pictures.
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