Day 17 - rum and suspenders

An odd day today. I think I've mentioned already that I've been using websites which list national days to find out what to celebrate. They don't list everything though and something have conflicting dates. There were only three listed today,  Cable Car Day, Ditch Your New Year's Resolutions Day and Kid Inventors Day. I didn't have much hope for it. I didn't have any resolutions to give up and if I count this project as a resolution then it wouldn't get much further. I decided  it to give that one a go.

As much fun as cable cars are, there aren't any near me so it wasn't easy to celebrate Cable Car Day. That just left Kid Inventors Day.

I did a little research into it and it turns out that some kids have made a big pile of cash from their inventions. The one who created Makin' Bacon, a plastic hanging device for microwaving bacon, became a millionaire. I tried to pump the kids for ideas, the best I could get was another recipe which sounded horrid.

I thought that was it for today but then I came across a load of extras through Twitter. Firstly, it was Museum Selfie Day. I think the idea is to get people to go to the museum. When I got there after work they were closing so my selfie was of the corridor rather than an exhibit. There will be a new Lego exhibit to visit soon though so I'll get another chance.

Next was Popeye Day. I mentioned this yesterday, I found it by accident. I ate some spinach with my salad for lunch and some with my sausage and mash in honour of the pipe chewing sailor. I also watched an old episode on YouTube,  it hasn't dated well. I don't recommend it.

Hot Buttered Rum day turned out to be a revelation. The drink is made of rum and butter (no points for those two) but also maple syrup, orange peel, cloves and cinnamon.  It tastes like drinking a mince pie. I couldn't drink more than one but it was very pleasant. A bonus was finding a bluegrass group named after the drink who are actually quite good. Happy days.

Finally, today was National Fetish Day. Now this could take this blog in directions I hadn't intended,  or it could draw in a whole load if new readers!  I'm not sure that you want to know about my fetishes, nor do you want to read about me trying new ones out,  so I made do with watching the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Janet! Dr. Scott! I think that Tim Curry in suspenders counts as a fetish. Another day, another four celebrations.


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