Day 2

After the unpleasantries of New Year's Day, today was much more positive. It started off with an effort to recognise Motivation and Inspiration Day. Some of these 'national days' are formally recognised, some of them are completely made up and only supported by a handful of people. This one was passed by the US Congress following the tragic events of 9/11. The aim is to recognise the importance of motivation and inspiration and the positive effect it has even when things turn bad. I'm lucky to be surrounded by motivational people, whether through work, family or socially so I had to think hard about who to thank. Some readers may be aware of National Novel Writing Month which takes place every November (see #NaNoWriMo). I tried my hand at it in 2016, writing a 50,000 word novel in one month. I failed miserably but the support from fellow NaNoWriMo writers was constant and unwavering. Even though I ended up with 30,000 words of complete nonsense (still available if you want to punish yourself) I still felt like a winner just for trying. I found out that those people are still being motivational all year round and so I gave them a quick thank you on twitter for their efforts. Pleasingly I was rewarded by a random retweet - something which rarely happens for me.

One national day which I don't think I celebrated enough was Cream Puff Day. Firstly I had to find out what a cream puff was. Don't tell me that everyone knows what they are as even the internet is undecided. I assumed at first it was a type of biscuit, maybe a cake. It is in fact a choux bun filled with cream. But that's a profiterole I hear you cry. You may be correct, or you may not, depending on your point of view. Some people seem to think that they are one and same thing, some say that profiteroles are filled with ice cream and are frozen. Either way, they should be numerous and readily available. To celebrate I visited my local Waitrose (other supermarkets are available) and bought a pyramid of profiteroles for my work colleagues. Thankfully there were only about six of us in the office today due to Christmas holidays  but that still only allowed for two each. Two profiteroles are never enough. I did consider making some at home but I'd still be piping now if that were the case. There is a chance that Profiterole Day will pop up later in the year, or at a push Chocolate Éclair Day. I'll need to be better prepared!

Many cat owners will be aware that today was Happy Mew Year Day for Cats. Why they need a different new year I don't know but they got an extra good brush to celebrate anyway. The two cats are getting old and rarely get excited about anything these days, the brush is the exception. They won't be so pleased when flea treatment day arrives.

Buffet Day was a success. Not only did I celebrate it but my wife and kids did too. I'll try to attach a photo of the lovely spread, made up mainly of reduced stock from the supermarket and left over cheese. Pigs in blankets are always a winner but no buffet is complete without cheese and pineapple on sticks! Get in! There isn't much I can say about this one other than it tasted good, there were no screams at the table about being forced to eat vegetables and little in the way of washing up. Winner.

This brings me on to Science Fiction Day. I shot myself in the foot with this one. An excuse to spend the evening watching a classic movie, maybe Star Wars, having recently enjoyed the latest episode on the big screen. As an aside, "The Last Jedi" translates into French as "Les Dernieres Jedis" - we were in Paris before Christmas and it was difficult not to notice. So what? you may ask. The point is, it's plural, which to me suggests something different to the title in English. Anyway, today was chosen as Sci-Fi Day as it is the anniversary of the birth of Isaac Asimov, a famous author who helped popularise the genre. I therefore posted a poll on twitter asking how best to enjoy Sci-Fi, in books or by watching films. The result was surprising. 100%, yes 100%, said books. Admittedly only two people voted but a poll is a poll. I therefore feel that to do it justice I should celebrate with a book. Rather than read, I have an unfinished Sci-Fi book to work on so in association with Motivation and Inspiration Day, I will be spending what little time I have left tonight writing even more tosh.

This brings me on finally to Personal Trainer Awareness Day. A good way to recognise this day would be to thank my personal trainer for all of their hard work. If you however saw the video of yesterday's efforts you will realise that I don't have a personal trainer. Instead I did the next best thing and dusted off the Diversity workout DVD. If Ashley Banjo (the tall one who is always in the middle when they perform) ever gets to read this then I will thank him personally. I need to work on my 'isos' and my groove but other than that I think I nailed it. I'll try to add a video so you can let me know what you think in the comments section. They're no doubt looking to expand so I think I'm in with a chance. My 8 year old is thinking about joining a street crew - I don't think he'll mind if I audition as well.

I didn't have a chance to celebrate 55 mph Day but I think that 6 was enough. There are only 3 tomorrow so hopefully I'll have a chance for a breather. TTFN.


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