Day 12 - contraversy, of a sort
Ooh... contraversy. One of today's celebrations was all about a special kind of person. We are all different in our own way, all unique, yet we are sometimes judged on our appearance or our heritage, our race or gender. Today was a celebration of one such group of people, as diverse as any other yet all lumped together due to a shared feature. A word is often used to describe them, not a word that they all embrace and which is sometimes considered disrespectful. It's a word which can only be used to describe one if you are one yourself (ask Tim Minchin). Those people are "gingers". Today is Kiss A Ginger Day. This day was started as the antithesis to Kick A Ginger Day which takes place in November. No ginger kissing took place today, partly due to a lack of gingers, partly due to being married to a non-ginger who may not be best pleased by it and partly due to a desire to not take part. I'm all for celebrating difference and if ginger people feel downtrodden then a ginger pride day would be fun to take part in, but kiss a ginger sounds a little patronising. Of course, it was probably started by a ginger who just wanted to get some action rather than out of pity. Maybe it just needs a little development or a back story.
Now Chicken Curry Day, that's a different question, I'm all over that. Slaughter a bird, chop some lumps off it and boil it slowly in spices. Nice. Normally when I experiment with curry recipes it comes out wateryand bland. Not today. I made my own mix of spices and onion and cooked the chicken with some coconut milk. It looked a little pale so I added some curry paste and it tasted great. Not too spicy, not too bland. 4 out of 5 ate it which is good enough for me. I doubt I'll get those figures on curried goat day, assuming there is one. If there isn't I might start it. Yum.
It was also National Pharmacists Day today. I didn't do anything for this as there is also a World Pharmacists Day, two days seems greedy. I might be nice to them then instead.
Finally today it has been Marzipan Day. I don't mind marzipan but I can't eat that much of it. There's no point baking a battenburg cake so instead I'm going to make some marzipan models. I'll post some pictures when done. I have a busy weekend of celebrations so need to pace myself tomorrow. I have some dreams to realise!
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