Day 14 - tidy drawers!
The world was conspiring against me today. It was a real chore to celebrate but celebrate I did. Yay!
Who decided to have a National Kite Flying Day I do not know. To fly a kite you need wind. No wind, no kite flying. The only wind I experienced today was the unpleasant type - you know who you are! Hopefully I'll get a chance to fly a kite some day and celebrate in retrospect.
Dress Up Your Pet Day was also a non-event. I imagine that dog owners across the country were dressing up their pooches in cute and ridiculous outfits. Cat owners like me however just got "the look". You know the one. The "try it and you can get yourself another lap warmer" look. They are willing to have random objects placed on them as moving is too much effort (see but clothes? No.
I can fully recommend today's foodie celebration. Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day was a real winner. I went down the toastie route. Gherkins and mustard. I once queued in London for about twenty minutes for a salt beef sandwich. It was worth it. This one wasn't quite that good but still very tasty.
Finally today it was Organise Your Home Day. I didn't start until 9.30pm so I only had time to tackle "the drawer ". Every house has one, we have about three. The range of junk it held was astounding. Most could either be binned or rehomed in the right place. It felt good to tidy something simply for the point of tidying it. I can recommend it.
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