Day 26 - wives and babies

NO! Just no! Somebody somewhere really   likes nuts and sugar. English Toffee? Pour  boiling sugar on nuts. Buttercrunch? Pour boiling sugar or nuts. Today was Peanut Brittle Day. How do I makes that? Pour boiling sugar on nuts. I'm not doing it. No.   I still have some buttercrunch left. Why make more? Somebody really should have spread these out more.

One celebration which wasn't really for me today was National Preschool Health and Fitness Day. So I needed a pre-schooler. Oh, I've got one of those. Maggie did some dancing, walking and even some yoga. It's hard to stop pres-choolers from doing exercise in my experience. It's when they hit 5 when TV sets in.

International Fun At Work Day was interesting. I managed to squeeze a little fun into a multi choice question and held a guess the age quiz at lunchtime ... ok, so it wasn't that much fun but I tried. Must try harder.

Finally today it was Spouse's Day. A day to appreciate your spouse and treat them special. I managed to see mine for about two hours during which time I cooked a curry and we wrote a shopping list. Romance isn't dead! I did buy her some supermarket flowers ( last of the big spenders). She's off to Liverpool tomorrow so maybe she can appreciate the flowers when she gets home.

Just a quick heads up, tomorrow is Chocolate Cake Day. Don't let it pass you by.


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