Day 128 - crustaceans and whacking
Everyday is a school day. Today I considered celebrating Shrimp Day. To me, shrimp mean prawns. They are the same thing aren't they? I used to think that shrimp were very small type of prawn but I think that's brown shrimp. I could be wrong. Either way, I found out today that to farm shrimp they perform something called eyestalk ablation on the females. This basically means chopping off the stalks that their eyes are on as it makes them mature quicker. Wikipedia (a reliable source) suggests that this is standard practice. I know that they'll eventually be killed and eaten which isn't exactly pleasant for the shrimp but blinding them beforehand just seems inhumane. Isn't anything produced these days without cruelty? I therefore chose to not celebrate Shrimp Day and I am currently considering keeping clear of the poor little blighters for the foreseeable future. Bleurgh.
Whacking Day is a far nicer holiday to celebrate. Fans of the Simpsons will remember the day when the townsfolk of Springfield take to the streets to whack snakes. The story goes that it was originally a day to beat up the Irish but now they beat snakes instead, because that's fine. The episode looks at the argument that it's ok to do something barbaric if it is traditional. Think fox hunting. I didn't have any snakes to whack with a stick, nor would I have done so if I had. Instead I whacked sticks with my fellow Morris dancers in honour of the day. No animals were harmed in the process.
A late addition to my list today was Monty Python Status Update Day. There were a whole load of such quotes on Twitter but status update is a Facebook thing (I think) so I put my quote on there. As it was Clean Up Your Room Day I went with a quote from Life of Brian about cleaning your room. It seemed apt, especially as I didn't actually have time to clean my room.
One Day Without Show Day would have been difficult with working in an office. Odd shoes I can just about get away with. No shoes at all would have been frowned upon.
I did however learn more lessons today as it was Bad Breath Day. If you lick your wrist, wait 5 seconds then smell it you can tell whether your breath is bad or not. I'm told that this is common knowledge. It was something I'd heard about before so I gave it a try. The outcome wasn't all that pleasant. Note to self, add mouthwash to shopping list.
Tomorrow is Eat What You Want Day but also Public Gardens Day so get out there and enjoy them whilst the sun is shining.
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