Day 122 - Star Wars Day.

This is the blog you're looking for! I didn't have time to write up last night as my app deleted everything I wrote. Grr.

You don't need me to tell you it was Star Wars Day, you'll only have missed it if you had your head buried in the sand, or were able to avoid social media. Lucky you. I had Darth Vader sat on my desk all day and watched some of A New Hope to mark the occasion. The day has now leaked over to the 5th as well which has been named Revenge of the Fifth in honour of the slightly questionable episode III.  I'll probably watch a little of that too, the "making of" is worth a view if you haven't seen it.

I also celebrated Orange Juice Day by ordering the tasty beverage whilst celebrating Son 1's ninth birthday meal. We've had Vit C Day and Scurvy Awareness Day so why not a little extra of the good stuff. No bandy legs for me.

I tried to celebrate Tuba Day by watching a YouTube video but it was stunningly boring. I applaud anyone who plays the tuba. I remember an Eddie Izzard sketch about wanting to play sexy tunes. I don't imagine anyone can play a sexy tune on a tuba. Bring on Saxophone Day.

Much more important today was the aforementioned ninth birthday. Son 1 was very excited and loved his burger from the Old Smokey BBQ in Shrewsbury.  I loved the music, whoever chose it deserves a raise.


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