Day 147 - chicken and wine and biscuits and flamingos and paperclips
Is it me or has it been really hot today? It hasn't been sunny but it's very humid, the sort of day where all you want to do is sit by a pool reading a Mike Gayle book and eat a salad and maybe some cous cous (too middle class?) But not for me, some bright spark decided that the middle of summer is the best day to celebrate coq au vin, basically chicken stew - winter food. So that's what I did. Home at about 6pm as the train was delayed, on with the cooking. I started with a BBC good food recipe but as I was only making enough for one I didn't bother weighing anything and made it up as I went along. The outcome was a feast for the senses, the smell of brandy deglazing a pan is something special. I knew that the kids wouldn't eat it so I cooked them chicken and made some gravy. Son 2 wouldn't even eat that, he just had carrots and mash. My tea however fell off the bone, the sauce was winey and bacony. It complemented the mash perfectly. It's just a shame that the day is celebrated in May rather than January, February at a push. I'm sure that there is a veggie alternative but I'm finding it difficult to see what you'd replace the chicken with other than quorn which I really don't like. Any ideas? I thinking that after this year I might have a meat free January and change my blog to a recipe based one.
Dead chicken wasn't the only food celebration today. It was also Biscuit Day. I was a little worried when I saw some Biscuit Day pictures as they were using the American buttermilk biscuit photos. Thankfully some went with proper biscuits so I jumped on the opportunity to eat some Biscoff. My work colleagues helped out as well. Yum. I love Biscoff. I am a sucker for Biscoff spread, smooth or crunchy, I'm not fussy. Whoever thought about turning caramelised biscuits into a toast topper deserves a pay rise. There was also a spare pistachio cookie left over on the office food sharing desk so I nabbed it. It was pretty good too. My cousin thoughtfully tagged me in a Biscuit Day promotion to win more biscuits so hopefully I'll have a ready supply heading my way. Every day can be biscuit day!
Paperclip Day wasn't the success I'd hoped it would be. My wife (who isn't faint by the way - that was a typo ) bought me some banana shaped paperclips for my birthday so I thought that today would be a perfect opportunity to use one. Sadly in the paper free office of the future, there was no need to clip paper together, and in fact no paper to clip. They were fun to look at though and I'm sure that when the system crashes and we revert to paper and pens they'll have their day again.
I found out late on that it was Pink Flamingo Day (Sly the Cat on Twitter was dressed as one) but some sources also say that the day is on 23 June so I'll try again then. Maybe a trip back to Kenya to see them on the lake?
I didn't get a chance to sacrifice any livestock today in celebration of the Greek (or possibly Roman) day of parading around a field with animals then eating them. Maybe next year.
I nearly forgot to mention Put A Pillow On Your Fridge Day! This morning I put a pillow on top of my fridge. It's supposed to bring wealth and prosperity, harking back to times when people put a pillow in their larder. I have no idea how either is meant to be good but it's worth a shot.
There'll be another cocktail day tomorrow so watch out for that one if you like Mint Juleps. Saying that, the slugs have eaten my mint so I need to bag some more before home time.
Night night.
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