Day 142 - hunting for snails
So... Brighton. Jewel of the south coast, bohemium capital of the UK. If there's one place that I should be able to find vegetables for tea it's here. I went to a pub last night and the menu was made up of veggie hot dogs. The beachfront cafe we played volleyball at was serving vegan sausage rolls (much tastier than those pork ones where the sausage meat is squashy). For Eat More Fruit And Vegetables Day I had to eat more fruit and veg. I skipped the meat at breakfast and filled up on mushrooms and grilled tomatoes. That counts doesnt it? For tea I went one step further and had the veggie curry. I'm not sure what veg was in the sauce other than one slice of carrot but the pumpkin side dish went down a treat.
Scavenger Hunt Day was a little trickier. Celebrating when you aren't at home takes that little bit more planning. I downloaded the geocache app planned on hunting one whilst in town. They're all over the place in Shrewsbury, you can't nice for them. There was only one in our vicinity and it was in the wrong direction. Oh well, I tried.
The big one today was something that I didn't expect to achieve. I knew that Escargot Day was coming up so I'd planned to get some frozen ones and cook them, that was until I realised that I'd be staying in a hotel. Google came up trumps and found me a small French bistro restaurant place called Petit Pois. They served snails as a starter and were willing to let me order some without needing to go the whole hog and eat a full meal. Do you know what? They were much nicer than I remember. I've had them before a long time ago but I remember them as being chewy. These were actually quite succulent and of course were drowned in garlic butter. They didn't last long but it was worth the effort.
I never managed to fit in Asparagus Day or Chardonnay Day. It was also Red Nose Day in America, I didn't realise that they did it over there but they do. Thursday seems an odd day to hold it though. Isn't it usually a Friday here in the UK?
That's enough for today, it's 1am and I need my beauty sleep.
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