Day 123 - spice, hugs and hoagies

Ok. What is a hoagie? Anyone? I had to Google it. My research told me it was a sub, a baguette, a hero or a grinder.  It seems that there are numerous words available to describe a long bread roll so hoagie is as good as any. For Hoagie Day I stopped in at Pret A Manger and bought a posh cheddar baguette. It was posh too, it had sun ripened tomatoes and fancy chutney. I recommend it should you need a bread based food product.  Happily the shop also sold smoked chipotle crisps. It was also Totally Chipotle Day so I bagged a bag. Two celebrations at once! I didn't know the difference between Totally Chipotle Day and Chipotle Day so I had to Google that too. It turns out that it is a brand of hot sauce, so crisps sadly won't cut it. Grr. I still have some Frank's Red hot sauce so that will have to do.

One of the reasons why it is Totally Chipotle Day is that it is also Cinco de Mayo. This is a mexican celebration, something about the anniversary of a war. They celebrate with food and singing and dancing. I was going to order a spicy pizza but we had to share with the kids so Frank's it was. Nice.

Ever hugged a shed whilst talking a selfie? I can now day that I have as it was Hug A Shed And Take A Selfie Day. There isn't a back story for this one which no can find, it's just a silly way to show some love for slowly rotting wood in your garden. When we moved into our house the garden shed had rotted away along one side so I chopped off the rot and moved what was left to the other side of the yard. I added some old doors to replace the rot and now have a phoenix like shed. Hopefully it feels a little more loved than it did yesterday!

We've spent the day in Birmingham watching "The Band" for Son 1s birthday. My good lady wife spotted a shop which was taking part in Free Comic Book Day so we all bagged some free literature. 4 free comics! I tried to read them on the train back home. They were printed right to left rather than left to right which is the way they are in Japan. It's quite weird just changing such a small thing. I used to love comics when I were a lad but I liked Battle, Marvel don't really do it for me. My Spiderman comic was just confusing.

What better way to end a sunny day than with a spot of naked gardening? Sadly I had to forego the celebration as I had a couple of beers and couldn't operate machinery. Shame. I did however have a bash at Pilates to celebrate Pilates Day instead. I thought it was a bit like yoga but i was so wrong. Wow. I'm unfit. I chosebthe shortest video but couldn't last half of it. The aim was to sculpt my booty. My stomach however is feeling the pain. It helped that the YouTube video was filmed on a sunny beach and featured scantily clad ladies. Celebrating is sometimes such a difficult task.

Tomorrow will be Dawn Chorus Day which means getting up at about 4.45 to listen to birds chirping. Yay!


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