Day 134 - sea monkeys
Why didn't anybody mention that it was
Barbecue Day? Oh well. I'm sure it'll pop up again. Not that the weather was as good as it has been. It was however Mimosa Day. Another cocktail. This one is made up of fizzy wine and orange juice. I always thought that was Bucks Fizz so I googled it. The difference lies in the ratio. Bucks Fizz is 2:1 wine to orange juice but Mimosa is only 1:1. It's a slightly lighter version. Why it needs a different name I'm not sure. I was going to celebrate by watering down the bucks fizz we have sat in the fridge with juice but that would mean opening the whole bottle for the sake of one drink. I decided instead on a virgin mocktail instead, 50% cloudy lemonade ( left over from Lemonade Day) and 50% juice. It was close enough for me and not a bad mixture either. I even drank it from a fluted glass.
There wasn't really time today for any proper celebrating. Not of any silly national days anyway. I'll be celebrating my football team (Club Tropicana Drinks FC)'s first win for weeks.
Drawing Day was advertised at work but I didn't have time to do any. I did however come across a website which shows you how to draw those Mexican style pictures, like the flowery skulls, which could be useful. I'll have to remember that one.
I did spend a few minutes celebrating Sea Monkey Day by finding out what they are. I knew that they're little water bugs but that was it. They're actually a type of tiny shrimp (so not monkeys at all - disappointing). What is interesting is that they're man-made, developed by us to make them hibernate and come to life by adding water. It does mean that long distance space travel could be possible, assuming that we can teach tiny shrimp to be astronauts.
If you fancy baking something, tomorrow is the day to do it. Especially if it's Cherry Cobbler. If you do bake some, let me know and I'll join you as no one else in the house like cherry pie.
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