Day 143 - feeling hot hot hot

I'm glad that I managed to celebrate a twofer today as I spent most of the day playing and watching volleyball on Brighton beach. It's fait tricky to celebrate when your busy doing other things. Today however just happened to be Don't Fry Day and Heat Awareness Day. As it was hot and sunny and I spent the day jumping around in the sand, slapping on sun cream to make sure that you don't get burnt seemed a very sensible option .  Some of my fellow 'ballers learnt this the hard way last year by going bright pink. This year they had thick creamy sun cream to compensate.  Mine needed applying every 2 hours.  I doubt that I managed to keep this up as I always forget to reapply but as it was a day to celebrate it helped my to remember.  Yay! No burn for me!

Although I bagged a twofer, I also missed a real sitter today (similar to my volleyball playing). Towel Day was an opportunity to carry around a towel. This seems quite an easy thing to do but why would you? It is in honour of Douglas Adams, the author.  Apparently it's something to do with one of his books, if you know then maybe you could enlighten me. After getting hot, sweaty and sandy I could have done with a shower before travelling home. Sadly, I had no towel! I apologise to my fellow travellers if the smell is not as fresh as it could be. I definitely need a shower when home so I'll have another chance to wear a towel, albeit for an hour or so.

There were a few celebrations today which would have been fun to take part in, Tap Dance Day being one of them. By the time I got home, Tap dancing wasn't really an option. Tomorrow however will be Lindy Hop Day so I may give that a bash. It'll also be Paper Airplane Day. Yay!


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