Day 130 - Eurovision, nutty fudge and limericks
It's very difficult writing this as I've had a fair amount of sex on the beach and am slightly worse for wear. Please stick with me, who knows, it may improve my typing.
I planned in advance for Saturday by buying some nutty fudge on Friday. We have a local fudge shop in Shrewsbury so I bought a bag of salted maple and Or can vegan fudge. Because it was vegan it uses coconut oil instead of milk so coconut was the main flavour. I don't usually like coconut but this worked well. It was a little more like tablet than fudge but still very tasty. I enjoyed Nutty Fudge Day and no doubt will enjoy it tomorrow as well.
It was also Limerick Day so I tweeted limericks about Eurovision on both Twitter and Facebook. Most limericks tend to be rude, I'm not sure why that is. Mine weren't. Maybe I need to work on that.
I was hoping to celebrate Train Day by playing with the Brio train set with my 2 year old. We had so much cleaning to do however due to the replastering of the ceiling that we ran out of time.
There might have been something else going on but someone has hidden my notebook so I don't remember what else was taking place. Instead we can concentrate on Eurovision. We love Eurovision! We had a party. I even shaved my beard into a comedy style for the occasion. Some people refuse to come on the basis that they're too cool for school. Some people genuinely have other plans. Those who come however have a good time. They bring food and drink with them. Today we had a polish stew, jambolia, lasagne, coleslaw, Greek potatoes, a fishy salad thing and a whole load of dips and bits. We were very well fed! And that was before the puddings. Rhubarb cake, doughnuts and a creamy pastry thing. I was stuffed. Eurovision itself wasn't bad. There were a few decent entries. By decent I'm basing that on our scoring system which doesn't actually give any points for how good the song is. The more "out there" the entry is the better chance they stand. Our winner was Moldova. They had dancers hidden behind a screen which opened doors to reveal bits of them here and there. And they wore braces!
I celebrated Martin Z. Mollusk Day recently only to find out that it was on the wrong day. It was actually held today but I couldn't find anything which said whether Martin saw his shadow or not. I guess I'll never know.
I've had 2 beers and about 3 cocktails so I'm still slightly giddy. It was also Stay Up All Night Night and I was tempted to do just that. It's 10 to 1 I the morning and a Bruce Willis film has just started. We'll see how it goes.
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