Day 132 - a little bit of this...
... and a little bit of that and shake your bum is la la la la. The theme for today was Dance Like A Chicken Day. It turns out that "dance like a chicken" is what Americans call The Birdie Song. The history seems to suggest that the well known tune was originally about a chicken, and then a duck and more recently has become known as the birdie song. Regardless what it's called, we all know it and we all know the moves. After tea I found a video of it and danced in the garden. After a while the whole family had joined in, even my baby girl gave it her all. It's infectious and impossible to resist. It can however get a little irritating if played over and over. A radio station once played it for more than 3 hours straight in order to sell tickets to an event which they were promoting. I can't see Radio 2 agreeing to that sort of lunacy.
From one art form to another, I also managed to celebrate Dylan Thomas Day. He could write couldn't he. When I was in school we studied villanelles, a type of poem with repeating lines. We used "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" as an example and it's stuck with me ever since. It was also used in a Chumbawumba song called "Rage" so I tried to share it on Twitter. The video however is a photograph of a baby being born which I'm not sure would get past the censors. I'm sure that Mr Thomas would be pleased that he shared his day with The Birdie Song.
I decided not to bother with Buttermilk Biscuit Day as they aren't biscuits as we know them in the UK but rather some sort of carb substitute from America and I didn't have time to make a meal of them. It's the second time that they've come up, Biscuits and Gravy Day was the first, so I'm sure I'll get another chance.
Tomorrow will be about chocolate chips and dinosaurs although not necessarily at the same time.
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